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    Emily: Hi and welcome to another digital marketing news round up. The year is in full swing now and its ever more important to stay up to date with the latest goings-on in digital marketing.

    Lucy: Manage your brand across Microsoft Products with Bing Pages. Microsoft launched Bing Pages to enable businesses and individuals to manage their branding on Bing and Outlook. This feature is currently in BETA. Bing Pages are similar to Google My Business and allow you to aggregate your social media links and contact details in one ‘knowledge panel’. On Bing Pages you will also be able to promote your social media posts for free for 24 hours. This new product is completely free and has a simple sign up process so get your brand registered.

    Emily: Promoted Trend Spotlight Ad Placement in Twitter Explore Tab. The Promoted Trend Spotlight ad placement is an ad that fills the screen width at the top of Twitter’s explore tab. Users will see the Promoted Trend Spotlight ads on their first 2 visits to the explore page, following this the ads become a standard promoted trend placement. This ad placement is now available to advertisers in many countries across the globe, including the US, UK, Japan and more. Ads in this new placement are considerably more likely to be seen than those in a standard promoted trend placement. However, it is important to remember that users’ go to the explore page to find things of their own interest meaning any ads in this placement will need to stand out and be relevant to the user.

    Katy: Microsoft Advertising’s PromoteIQ integration for retailers is now in beta. Microsoft acquired the PromoteIQ platform in August, which is an automated product marketing platform allowing brands to run ads on participating retailers e-commerce sites. For example, if you sell gardening products, you might be able to show your ads on your local garden centre’s e-commerce website. This platform not only gives retailers control and opportunities over marketing programs on their websites. But it can also allow them to make money, increasing their visibility and building relationships with brands. PromoteIQ integration is now in beta with Microsoft Ads so some retailers will start getting access to this soon.This new partnership has been done in an effort to boost the e-commerce side of Bing, which is significantly less utilised than Google.

    Katy: Facebook is Preparing to Launch a Desktop Redesign to All Users. In the next few months, Facebook is planning to roll out a desktop redesign for users. This follows their re-brand of their logo to represent Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. The new redesign will include a dark and light mode, mobile app-like navigation menu and Stories will be more prominent. Essentially the desktop version is going to become much more like the mobile app. This might not have too big of an impact on your Facebook ads, however the increased prominence of Stories means your ads might get more screen time, so be sure to utilise that placement.

    Lucy: Google Ads Bid Simulator for Smart Bidding. The bid simulator on Google Ads is now available for Target ROAS. This will be helpful in seeing predictions for ad performance for different target ROAS percentages. The simulator displays predictions of key metrics against different target ROAS percentages. The simulator uses data from the last 7 days to make the predictions. As a lot of eCommerce campaigns rely on target ROAS this new simulator could be really helpful to see metric predictions against proposed budgets.

    Emily: That’s all for this week folks, if you want to stay up to date with the latest daily digital marketing news then follow us on our social channels.